赵蘅(1945.4—)女,浙江温州人。擅长油画、色粉画。11-12岁在德国学习素描。曾长期担任中国农业电影电视中心副高级动画美术设计师及电视撰稿人。为中国电影家协会会员,为中国美术家协会会员,中国作家协会会员,北京女美术家联谊会副会长,世界女艺术家理事会理事暨中国分会会长,卢森堡欧亚大学艺术研究所客座教授。1964年毕业于中央美术学院附中1964-1965年在文化部电影动画大专班学习1991-1992年深造于中央美术学院油画进修班1978年发表文学处女作1989-1991年创作出版多本自编童话绘本1992年开始创意油画苹果系列1994年在香港大会堂举办《现实与飘缈》油画个展1996-1997年应邀赴巴黎国际艺术城吕霞光画室,旅行参观欧洲十国并举办油画个展1997年法国总统希拉克先生收藏油画作品《苹果和叶子》之四1997-1999年创作《家园》粉笔画系列2002年应邀赴英国参加第五届《她的色彩空间》世界女艺术家联展已出版图书《现代之父—塞尚》,《拾回的欧洲画页》,少年读本《呼啸山庄》(与母亲杨苡合作);2000年系列散文《重见玛丽》荣获第八届冰心儿童图书新作大奖。1991年油画《太阳很足的晌午》荣获七十年全国美展银奖,北京美术家协会荣誉奖及中国美术馆收藏荣誉;其他作品先后被英国,香港,法国,比利时,新加坡,中国,澳大利亚,马来西亚等收藏家收藏。油画作品入编《世界华人艺术成就大典》,《璞玉集》,《今日中国美术》及中国现、当代美术全集。^_^ZHAO HengZhao heng is from a literary family.She was born in Shapinba.Chongqing,China,1945.At the Age of 11-12,along with her parents who gave lectures in Germany,she began to study sketch from painter Shu ChuanXi in Leipzig.In 1964,she graduated from the Fine Arts School attached to the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing.And in 1964-1965,attended Senior Movie Cartoon Training Course,Ministry of Culture,China.And 1991-1992,she pursued advanced study of Oil painting,Institute of Central of Fine Arts.She is senior designer of cartoon movie in a film studio in Beijing.She is also a member of China Artists’Association,and China Writer Association.She started theme oil painting series‘Apples Series’in 1992.And in 1994,she held solo exhibition ‘Reality and Illusion’in Hong Kong.Between 1996-1997,She was a visiting scholar at the Lv Xiaguang Studio,Cite International des Arts of Paris.In 1997,one of her oil painting series‘Apples and Leaves’was collected by Frech President Jacques Chirac.Invited to the Fefth International Women Artists Exhibition in England,2002.Awarded the silver Prize at the Exhibition of National Fine Arts,and one of her works was collected by China Art Museum,1991.Her Essay Series Second Meeting with Mary was awarded the 8th Bing Xin Children’s Literature Prize of New Works.In 2002,she published ‘European Sketches’.Her art works are included in the ‘Chinese Modern Fine Art Collection’and‘Chinese Contemporary Art,Painting Volume’.